Truth Unlocked

Truth Unlocked: Keys to Reaching your Muslim Neighbor is an excellent resource for churches who desire to cultivate relationships with Muslims in informed and sensitive ways.  The highlight of the 3 disk DVD set is found in the Extras as each of the four converts from Islam, all of them Christian leaders and pastors, provide us with insights into Islam as they relate their conversion to Jesus with passion and conviction.  I would recommend that these be viewed first to set the tone for the sessions.  Of all the resources on Islam that I have reviewed, this is the most practical, accessible and impacting set of videos that I have seen for churches who desire initial guidance in bridging the gap with their Muslim neighbor.  All the participants interviewed are knowledgeable and experienced with an evident love for the Muslim people.  Each of the six sessions are well constructed and divided into 10 minute segments with summary bullet points at the end of each segment. This format facilitates group discussion without overwhelming viewers with too much information.  I recommend this resource highly as a series for a home group or adult class and it would also be a good addition to any church library.  I have begun recommending Truth Unlocked to others and have already promised to lend my copy to friends.

Mark Naylor, former Misssionary to Pakistan,
International Leadership Development Coordinator,
the fellowship / Trinity Western University