Truth Unlocked


A controversial new book concludes that Muslims must change Islam or risk making it inseparable from violence and discrimination.

  • Islam Uncensored
    (Photo: International Christian Concern)
    "Islam Uncensored" collects 14 interviews across the political and religious spectrum in an attempt to understand Islam.

Islam Uncensored is written by Jeff King, who spent nine years as president of International Christian Concern, a persecution watchdog group. King argues that Americans shouldn't mince words when it comes to Islamic extremism. He maintains that radical Islamic persecution of other major faiths has placed it among the greatest threats to world peace.

In an interview with The Christian Post, King claims that only open dialogue about Islam's successes and failures will inspire the religion to change its dangerous elements. The problem with that approach, he posits, is that it will either get you labeled a bigot or blown up.

CP: Your new book Islam Uncensored attempts to take a no-holds-barred look at Islam. Did you conclude it was good, bad or both?

King: There's a lot of political correctness out there and I want people to discuss Islam openly without being cowed by charges of bigotry or fear. Islam needs a reformation. It needs to be worked into modernity. It was invented by a warlord and we need to openly debate that without hate and with respect, honesty and love instead.

CP: You interviewed everyone from radical Islamists to atheists for your book. What's the most shocking thing you discovered about Islam?

King: It was shocking hearing all these voices and where they align despite the fact they're from different politics and religions. What I was fascinated by is the commonality. I heard radical Muslims saying the same things as atheists.

I was also surprised hearing about the apostates that have left Islam for the U.S. and other non-Muslim nations. All of them – be they atheists or Christians – now have a bull's eye on their backs. They're exposed and in danger even here. A lot of their former brethren would like to see them done in.

CP: You seem unafraid of criticizing Islam. Do you ever worry radical Muslims will target you?

King: I've been outspoken for some time but I don't know where I stand in the bull's eye. The people I spoke with are literally in danger all the time. Some of them have been mentioned in Al-Qaida videos as people who should be killed.

What it comes down to is we have to stand up and speak the truth. Our days are numbered and they're in the Lord's hands. If people feel pushed to speak out about something like this, they should.

Read the rest of the article here